25 June 2024

Support UMKM from Tegal, FiberStar Supports the Use of Local Products and Female Workers

Thursday, June 15, 2023 - PT Mega Akses Persada (FiberStar) awarded a partnership certificate to PT Dwi Mitra Berkah, an UMKM from Tegal City, which passed the certification stage and was selected to collaborate with FiberStar in procuring telecommunications accessory products. The event opened with a welcoming speech from Mr. Muhamad Jumadi, Deputy Mayor of Tegal, followed by a speech from the Commerce Director of PT Mega Akses Persada (FiberStar), Mr. Marcelus Ardiwinata. The event then continued with the certificate handover and a tour of the PT Dwi Mitra Berkah factory with colleagues from PT Mega Akses Persada.

The partnership certificate provided by FiberStar is a form of support for the SME sector. PT Dwi Mitra Berkah also supports the empowerment of female workers, particularly in Tegal City and Central Java Province, with 17 female employees involved in this metal manufacturing company.

Mr. Muhamad Jumadi, Deputy Mayor of Tegal, expressed his appreciation for FiberStar partnering with PT Dwi Mitra Berkah as a selected UMKM. This is the result of synergy and collaboration between regional UMKM and the telecommunications industry. We believe this partnership can help empower the surrounding community to grow and develop. Hopefully, in the future, we can encourage more industries to help revive the local economy.

"It is hoped that the cooperation between FiberStar and PT Dwi Mitra Berkah can support small and medium enterprises in other regions so that other UMKM can also be recognized by other companies in Indonesia. FiberStar also hopes that this certificate will provide motivation and a better impact in the future, both for PT Dwi Mitra Berkah and other UMKM." Concern for UMKM is a fundamental principle for FiberStar to help the economy, especially in Tegal City, said Mr. Marcelus Ardiwinata, Commerce Director of PT Mega Akses Persada.

About PT Mega Akses Persada (FiberStar) Founded in 2014, FiberStar has grown to become a national fiber optic cable infrastructure service provider with the concept of Net Neutrality. With 100% fiber optics, FiberStar's network is built on an open access architecture, allowing telecommunications service providers to offer TRIPLE PLAY services. FiberStar has made strides towards equal adoption of ICT in Indonesia while creating National Resilience, particularly in the field of Digital Economy in Indonesia. As of October 2020, PT Mega Akses Persada (FiberStar)'s optical cable network has reached 135 cities or regencies in Indonesia, from Lampung Province, Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, DI Yogyakarta, North Sumatra, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, to South Sulawesi.