25 June 2024

Support for Equal Distribution of Fiber Optic-Based Internet Network in Indonesia, FiberStar Targets 2.9 Million Homepasses in 2024

Jakarta - Nowadays, the lives of Indonesian people are inseparable from digital development and internet usage to support daily activities. The internet is a crucial infrastructure in digital transformation. Undoubtedly, equal access to internet facilities and networks is essential for accessing information. Reliable and high-speed internet needs to be supported by good infrastructure, one of which is fiber optics.

FiberStar, one of the fiber optic-based infrastructure providers, is committed to supporting the growth of fiber optic network development in Indonesia. FiberStar boasts several advantages, including a neutral network, high speed, stability, high-level security, and a strategic national coverage for both urban and rural areas.

By the end of 2023, FiberStar achieved 1.9 million homepasses, spread across 135 cities and 17 provinces, from Sumatra, Java-Bali, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, to South Sulawesi.

According to Mr. Irawan Delfi, Network Development Division Head of FiberStar, to reach more areas in Indonesia, FiberStar has initiated the addition of 1 million homepasses in 2024, bringing the total to 2.8 million homepasses by the end of 2024.

To enhance network reliability and modernize the backbone network, Mr. Irawan Delfi also stated that in 2023 FiberStar completed the modernization and integration of the Java-Bali backbone network, both on land and through the Jakarta-Surabaya submarine cable, using ASON technology from HUAWEI. The integration of land and submarine cables allows the network to intelligently recover in case of disruptions in one of the optical cable paths, minimizing service disruptions and increasing network reliability.

The same technology has also been implemented in the inter-Data Center network in Greater Jakarta with high capacity. Modernization with the latest technology is needed solely for the satisfaction of our loyal customers, stated Mr. Irawan Delfi.

"Hopefully, with the addition of homepasses and network modernization, FiberStar will become one of the leading telecommunications network providers, always contributing to the acceleration of internet development in Indonesia, spreading evenly and facilitating user access to information even in remote areas," he concluded.